How Does Ultrasonic Cleaning Work?

Hunter Ultlasonics tank with labels.png

Ultrasonic cleaning involves the use of ultrasound (high-frequency sound waves) in water-based detergent to remove contaminants from immersed items.

The basic elements need to do this are:

  • A stainless steel tank

  • Ultrasonic transducer rods

  • Water-based detergent

  • High voltage power source

The Ultrasonic Cleaning Process

Cleaning time will vary, depending on such things as how much contamination there is on the item to be cleaned, the age of the water-based detergent and the degree of cleanliness desired.

Heating the water usually enhances and speeds up the cleaning process, and most detergent solutions are designed to work best at a slightly elevated temperature.

This combination of temperature, pressure, and detergent enables Hunter Ultrasonics to remove most contaminants safely and easily.